It has been a while since I last wrote my blog. That is because I have been busy focussing on finishing my book, RETIREMENT REBEL, which is due out with vertebrate publishing, in October. (Pre-sales in September) I still cannot believe that at the age of 63 I am about to become a published author. It has not been an easy road. 

I have spent the last three years since I retired and got rid of my flat and possessions, travelling Great Britain and Ireland in my motorhome 'Dora the Explora' having adventures, to highlight ageism and challenge ageist stereotypes. As well as championing positive ageing.  Throughout those years I have has many highs and lows, one of the main lows spending nine months of that time in lockdowns because of Covid. The highs, included being shown tremendous kindness by complete strangers, who have gone out of their way to help me when I have been struggling. This has warmed my heart and restored my faith in human nature. 

During the dark times I have felt like giving up. I have doubted myself. I have questioned why anyone would be interested in what I have to say. Somehow I just kept finding a way forward. The main driving factor in all this has been the fire in my belly to make sure that no other women feels lost and broken in her fifties, like I did. I want to help them make the most of getting old rather than making do. I so want to show that old is good.  Old is not something to fear. I have always tried to be authentic and to show the good with the bad as I have my adventures in my motorhome. This seems to resonate with people who follow me and who I give talks to. Many of whom are looking for their own adventure and want inspiration. As I write this I received a message on my Instagram from a woman who had been to one of my WI talks 

(Just a quick update to share how your inspiration has impacted! I am 67 and always been afraid to try physical challenges in case I can’t do them and maybe I will feel shame! My best friend also follows u and has her own motor home and is practicing being brave and having lots of success! Yesterday we took my daughter and her two friends, mid twenties, for a spa day in west wales and then back for a bbq in mazs field, where we set out our plan! We named ourselves the adventurers ,set up a group and five times this year we are going to do an adventure that has always felt like it would be fun but too scared to try!!! What do you  think?I was amazed to hear how beautiful  clever young girls felt the same as me and had already started to say no to some parts of themselves and now this lovely mixed age group of women are starting to put that faulty thinking right!)

This is music to my ears. I am so happy for them. I love that they are ageless. Just a group of women wanting to have adventures and live their best lives! I am even happier that my actions have played a small part in them finding adventure together.

For me the last three years have been a journey of self discovery. As well as physically challenging myself on many hikes and clifftop walks. I have come to terms with numerous deamons that I have carried with me throughout my life, from childhood. Emotions and feelings that have stopped me effectively being able to communicate. Emotions that have filled me with fear and self doubt in so many incidents in my life.  Coming through the other side has certainly made me a stronger more resilient and compassionate human being. I can now feel my inner Warrior. Only recently, I stood at the top of the cliffs on Loop Head in County Clare, in Ireland and shouted from the top of my voice " I am a warrior" and I felt fantastic. Now I feel strong enough to face whatever life has to throw at me. I have learnt to live in the moment and to be kinder to myself. Kindness is a strength, not a weakness, as is often attributed to it.  I hope that this shows other women who are at a crossroads in their lives that there is something out there for them to help them age in the best way possible.

The more I give talks around the country and interact with other women I realise that they do want to hear what I have to say about challenging how women are often treated in the workplace and how they need to call out ageist attitudes both in work and in society in general. They seem to love the fact that I have given up the luxuries of life for a simpler but more fulfilling way of living, to ensure that I get my message across and help and inspire other women. "You are never, ever ,too old for adventure. Your adventures will come in all shapes and sizes. If they make you feel happier with your life and feel as if you are ageing more positively then that makes me happy. I feel I am achieving what I set out to do. 

Also there is always a positive response when I say that I do not want anti ageing products. I want products that enhance how I look. Ageing is inevitable, so why is everything geared towards ANTI-AGEING, lets have more PRO-AGEING products. All ANTI-AGEING does is tap into our insecurities about how we feel society says we should look and feel as we age. There really is no one size fits all. We need to change the narratives, to advocate the benefits of ageing and getting old. Take way the negatives from the word  "OLD" and embrace the changes in our bodies and minds as we age. 

We are most definitely ageing better nowadays. When my parents ran an old people's home, when I was a child, they took women in from 60yrs and men from 65yrs. That would mean I would have been in the home for three years by now. Well, in the last three years I have toured Great Britain, finding some glorious places and having incredible experiences, including, enjoying the delights of the Outer Hebrides

 and the stunning scenery in Ireland.

 I will not be slowing down anytime soon, as I have an even bigger adventure to take you on next year with 'Dora the Explora'. Going back to where it all started. I cannot wait. In the meantime I will continue to tour Great Britain and give my inspirational talks.

Writing the book has been a big learning curve for me. I never knew just what hard work it was getting your thoughts onto paper. The support that I have had from my publishers, Vertebrate Publishing and my literary agent ,Barbara Levy,has been unwavering. They have helped me to ditch the imposter syndrome and believe in myself. I have had to be very disciplined in reaching my deadlines and finishing the manuscript. Then broad shouldered to respond to all the editing changes and suggestions. I pinch myself daily to ensure that I am not dreaming and that this is really happening for me. I am very pleased with the finished account of my motorhome adventure and I am sure it will inspire more women, both young and old, to find their inner happiness as they age.

I cannot wait to meet many of you at my book signings and talks, when my Book 'RETIREMENT REBEL' is published. I will post where and when you can get the book just as soon as I have the dates confirmed.  Website

**** I will be on MILLION POUND MOTORHOME, on channel 5 on Sunday August 14th at 8pm****


  1. I'm turning 60 next month. 😳 Your book sounds just what I need. It's a landmark I've been dreading tbh.


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